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Dewinterize Your Home This Spring with Monroe Home Solutions
Home in the spring time


Spring has finally arrived here in Massachusetts! That means it’s time to transition your home for a new season so that it can function safely and smoothly as you and your family enjoy the warmer MetroWest weather.

And while you could go dewinterize your home yourself, chances are that you have better things to do with your spare time. Especially if you’ve been snowbirding somewhere warmer for the winter and are busy picking up where you left off in MetroWest. And an added bonus: our skilled team is bound to spot a thing or two you may miss, potentially preventing costly repairs down the line!  

The pros at Monroe Home Solutions have got you covered! Here are just some of the tasks that one of our technicians will complete when you schedule a dewinterization appointment for your home.  

Water Supply and Plumbing 

If you used aerators in your faucets over the winter, it’s time to remove them. We’ll reconnect any tubes that were disconnected from pipes during the colder months.  

Your Monroe expert will inspect the water heater and softener, as well as your home’s appliances to ensure that all connections are secure. And they’ll open the water valves on your home’s water heater, boiler, and water softener.  

We’ll then turn on the main water supply gradually to rule out leaky or broken pipes. This procedure fills the pipes with water and pushes out any trapped air within your home’s plumbing system.  

Fixtures and Faucets 

We’ll test each fixture in your home, from sinks and showers to tubs and toilets. Your Monroe technician will run the water in each fixture until it runs clear then proceed to the outside faucets. It’s common for exterior faucets to start leaking after they’ve been dewinterized, so we’ll open and close each faucet to double-check that they’re properly sealed.  

Gas, Thermostat, and Sump Pump 

If you’ve been away from your home over the winter, it’s time to turn the gas back on. The next step is to open any shutoff valves for individual fixtures, if this was done during the dewinterization phase.  

We’ll reprogram your thermostat and check your water heater’s settings, so your home is comfortable for milder temperatures. Your Monroe technician will inspect your sump pump to give you peace of mind that your basement will stay dry and flood-proof in the likelihood of heavy spring rains.  

Dewinterize Your MA Home with Monroe 

Monroe Home Solutions is the only place you need to turn to prep your home for spring. Our comprehensive, 5-star dewinterization service takes care of your whole house so that you can shift into a new season of home ownership with confidence.  

We know the MetroWest area and each of our technicians has ample experience winterizing and dewinterizing local homes. There’s nothing we haven’t seen when it comes to dewinterizing challenges. 

Ready to dewinterize your Massachusetts home the easy way? Contact us to schedule an appointment!